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We share a meal after service most months to get to know members of our community better and welcome visitors. Every potluck menu is a surprise, but there are generally always vegan and GF options. 


All are always welcome, whether you bring something to share, or not!

Coffee Hour

Every Sunday after service we share doughnuts and coffee (tea, milk and hot chocolate too!) along with casual conversation. It's a great way to learn more about the Kindred community and its diverse group of individuals and families. We'd love to visit with you!


There are once a month lunch meet-ups on Thursdays and breakfast meet-ups on Saturday mornings at a variety of local restaurants.​ 


These along with holiday and special events are other ways that we share life together.

Prayer Circle

We gather as a spiritual community celebrating the good and sharing the hard times as we lift up prayers for those in the community, our city, country and the world.. 


A related art circle 

​meets to make original cards to send to those who are facing challenges or are home bound.

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Kindred United Church of Christ  2200 Bellevue Avenue Maplewood, MO 63143  |  office@  |  Tel: 314-644-3033


©2024 by KINDRED UCC

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